The virus
What are my thoughts on the corona virus and its effect on us humans ?
From a more personnel view point me !
At the age of 77 years I have become a little afraid of the effects of the covid virus as it has marched through out the world and at the present conquers all before it .
Very aware of the risk the virus proposes to me at my age i follow the governments guide lines to the letter .
My personnel feelings towards all the medical teams and everybody who are associated with the care of the public at the expense of their own personnel safety .My heart is full of praise and love for them .
The federal government and the state government where i live are doing a wonderful job in financial help and their guide lines for our safety .
Before we were landed with the virus our world was beginning to spin out of control, electronics getting faster and faster peoples minds trying to keep up i felt at times like a merry go round spinning out of control faster and faster .
My world the one i grew up in gone in a spin !
Todays world reminds me of a story I loved as a child it was about an Indian boy and four hungry tigers who try to eat him but the tigers end up fighting and chased themselves around and around a tree so much so the tigers eventually turned them self's into butter.
To me the story of an indian boy : Little Black Sambo author Helen Bannerman 1899: and the tigers reminds me of where the world is now spinning faster in fact to fast for us to keep up .
Along come corona virus the world slows down time to think time to reflect time with the family even staying home resting getting to know each other .
However their is all ways a price to pay for every thing on earth even in heaven .
My prays and thoughts are with the effected people through out the world who have died and have the virus .To their families my sincere thoughts and prays are with them .