Lozza's Ramblings
3 min readJun 10, 2021

The Guy At The Bar Said

Fill them up missy !

Thanks Tommy, I am dry as a wooden god said his mate Billy ,who had just finished a. days work driving a rubbish truck for the local council.

green credits belong to owner of land or farmerYou wouldn’t believe it on my way in I saw a dead German Shepard dog laying on the ground so I asked the guy standing next to it how did the dog die .He looked straight at me and said that a chihuahua had killed it.

Now not being as smart as the average pussy cat I know a little dog like the chihuahua could not have killed the big shepherd!

No bull, Billy said shaking his head to Tommy unbelievable mate unbelievable.

Tommy was flabbergasted how do you think the Chihuahua killed the shepherd ? Did it grabbed it by the nuts, nar said Billy the Chihuahua was found lodged in the shepherds throat, it had choked him to death .

Fill them up missy!

said Tommy your shout Billy.

Tommy was blowing the froth from the top of his glass and looked over to Billy who was still working out if it really was his shout and said where’s your mate Charlie theses day haven’t seen him since Jesus played full back for Jerusalem !

My goodness Tommy haven’t you heard it’s unbelievable what happen to him!

You know he runs a cleaning business, well he and his Mrs were driving home at 5am in the morning from their cleaning job found them self's in a squabble and we’re not to pleased with each other.

Now as the story goes they were driving along a side street which lead to the main road and when they arrived at the corner of the main road Charlie asked the Mrs if there were any cars coming she said NO! Charlie kept driving and the next thing he knew he was waking up covered in plaster in hospital with his mangled Mrs in the next room. Shit a brick said Tommy .

The next day a nurse took him to see his wife who was covered in more plaster than him, as soon as he saw her he blurted out you told me there were no cars coming she answered right away there were no cars ,you didn’t say anything about trucks!

Fill them up missy!

One more drink Tommy and I will be gone like a lizard down a drain pipe the Misses will have my dinner ready and she gets real snaky when I am late.

Ok says Tommy ! How long have you be married Billy ? About 3 weeks mate and I am not in the good books at present ,she is a bit pissed of with me at the moment especially after last night !

Why what happened ?What happened I will tell you don’t you worry about that !

Every night since we were married when I get home form work for dinner she has a beautiful hot meal sitting on the table waiting for me as I walk in however man I love her so much I am horny as all hell and I take her straight to the bedroom, bugger the dinner straight into the dessert ,that was until last night when I came busting through the door and found her standing stark naked in front of the fire place ,before I new it I said, what are you standing there like that for?

With a pissed off voice, she said well darling, I am just warming up your dinner!

Tommy laughter could be heard all over the bar he turned to Billy

- one for the road mate, I will have missy warm them up !

Lozza's Ramblings
Lozza's Ramblings

Written by Lozza's Ramblings

Personnel life experiences to share Author writer storyteller

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