How Many Gods Are There
As long as I have been on the beautiful earth of ours I have never really come to terms with an answer that satisfies my soul .So here I am wondering is there others out there who feel as I do my mind says ya.
Now if you should think I am mad religious freak let me say from the start I am not and nothing could be further from the truth but I do believe with all my heart and soul that GOD IS WHAT YOU CONCIEVE HIM TO BE .
What we have is a number of religions of all shape and sizes all nationalities make up the congregations all over the world and they all believe in there conceived god with courage and conviction .
With that said I must go to the beginning of time . A time when through the scriptures we learnt from a very young age that GOD made the earth and every thing in it and on it .So at the beginning there would seem there was only one GOD and this is where our faith begins .
Now we know that not all people believe in God as the maker of earth and sky and in return they have no religion their for their answer to how many GODS would be none .
Scientists and religion agree on a number of theory's as to how the earth was created, however they fall short on agreeing that GOD made the earth .The scientist agree with their findings that the earth was created by molecules of dust etc .
There are many religious groups in the world however the major religious groups according to Wikipedia are as follows:
Christianity 31.2%
Islam 24 .1%
No Religion 16%
Hinduism 15.1%
Buddhism 6.9%
Folk Religion 5.7%
Sikhism 0.29%
Judaism 0.2%
All of the above have their own doctrine and their own teachings about their God and Gods so the teaching of their faith becomes their gospel to pray and live by.
In the beginning there was only darkness then came light followed by sea land rivers trees plants then came the sun moon stars birds animals and Adam and Eve.
Now comes my question from the beginning how many Gods were involved in making the earth ?
Adam and Eve were married and to boys were born Cain and Abel .
I get lost yet again in the beginning GOD ONLY CREATED earth Adam and Eve no other land or places no other people so how did the population begin when their were only two boys born . A giant leap of faith one must have to be a good honest human being .